Does MAHLE offer internships to secondary-school students?
One-week internships for secondary-school students are offered by several locations as part of occupational orientation programs held at college-preparatory high schools, intermediate secondary schools and general secondary schools and organized by the German state. These internships can be in a commercial area, the training workshop or a technical section. The secondary-school students will then learn together with apprentices in the training workshop or in various functional areas and can get to see firsthand what an apprenticeship or a university education is all about. Please apply by sending a cover letter, resume and report cards.
When can I apply for an apprenticeship?
Ideally, you should apply a least one year before the program begins. In Stuttgart, the application process starts already on the 1st of May each year. Please check your selected job posting to see if the application period has started.
When does the apprenticeship begin?
The starting date of the apprenticeship is based on the end of summer vacation for schools in the particular state in Germany.
For which occupations does MAHLE provide training?
MAHLE provides training for both technical and commercial occupations. You will find specific job descriptions in our latest job-opportunity announcements.
How long does an apprenticeship last at MAHLE?
In Germany, an apprenticeship generally lasts between two years and three-and-one-half years. The length of the program depends on a number of factors, including type of occupation, your school-leaving certificate and your individual performance.
Can I shorten the apprenticeship?
Yes. You can profit from a reduced training period in many occupations if you have performed well, combined with your average grade at the vocational school and the company’s approval.
What will I earn during the apprenticeship?
Apprentices’ pay is based on the latest collective-bargaining agreement.
Are these training programs based on the German Vocational Training Act?
Yes. The apprenticeship occupations being offered are recognized by the German Vocational Training Act.
What does a good application for an apprenticeship position include?
Your application should contain the following documents:
- A cover letter in which you tell us something about yourself and discuss why you would like to begin an apprenticeship
- A resume in table form in which you describe what interests you have outside school
- A copy of your last three report cards
- Certificates from internships and training courses (i.e., language and computer courses)
How is the selection process for apprenticeships conducted?
Our selection process begins with a careful review of your application documents. If we like what we see, we will conduct occupation-specific screening tests and invite you to a job interview.
What school leaving qualification do I need?
For an apprenticeship you need either a High School degree (Abitur), secondary education degree or a school-leaving qualifications.
How important are my grades?
We put great emphasis on your personality. Nonetheless, your grades also are a criterion we use in pre-selecting suitable candidates.
I haven't received my diploma yet. Can I provide it later?
Yes. You can provide your diploma at any time via our recruiting portal eMploy. Please do not send it via email.
What questions can I expect to answer during the job interview?
Typical questions can include:
- Why would you like to learn this occupation?
- Why would you like to have an apprenticeship at MAHLE?
- What interests you in particular about MAHLE?
- What were your favorite subjects in school?
- How can you best apply your special skills in your desired occupation?
- What are your career plans?
How can I prepare for the screening test and the job interview?
There are a number of resources you can turn to. Here are a few of them:
- Guides to job interview
- The German Occupational Information Center (Berufsinformationszentrum der Arbeitsagenturen) run by the German Employment Agency
- The German Institute for Vocational Education and Training (Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung)
- Chambers of Industry and Commerce (Industrie- und Handelskammern)
- Information on the Internet
Will MAHLE offer me other benefits besides the apprentice's pay?
Yes. In addition to your pay, you will receive individual advanced training opportunities at MAHLE. Sometimes, it will even be possible to earn a degree at a university of applied science at the same time. At some locations subsidise transportation costs and lunch.
What type of support will I receive during the apprenticeship?
The support will be provided by the trainer in the functional area where you are working. In addition to that a full time training supervisor will support you along the apprenticeship.
How will the courses at the vocational school be organized?
The training courses will combine instruction held for a particular period of time and instruction on certain days of the week.
What are my chances of receiving a full-time job at MAHLE after the apprenticeship?
Because our apprenticeship program is based on the company’s needs, your chances of receiving a full-time job following your apprenticeship are very good.
When does the cooperative studies program begin and how long does it last?
The program begins on September 1st each year and lasts three years.
When is the application deadline?
There is no set application date. However, most of our openings are generally filled nine months before the program begins.
What should my application include?
Your application should contain the following documents:
- A cover letter in which you tell us something about yourself and discuss why you would like to begin a cooperative study program.
- A resume in table form in which you describe what interests you have outside school.
- A copy of your last three report cards.
- Certificates from internships and training courses (i.e., language and computer courses) .
I've applied once before. Can I apply again?
Yes. Even after an unsuccessful application, you can reapply either for the cooperative studies program or an apprenticeship.
Can I apply for more than one study program at once?
If you can’t decide between two courses of study or two apprenticeships, you are allowed to apply simultaneously for several positions as long as you are applying for similar programs.
What type of high school degree do I need?
The essential requirement for acceptance to the cooperative study program is a final exam from a college preparatory school (Abitur) or college-entrance qualification (Fachabitur) in a program-relevant subject. The qualification emphasis needed for application is listed beneath Jobs.
Can I get advice on the study programs?
Of course. Please contact Mr. Martin Thum. He’ll gladly assist you.
What will I be doing during the practical work phases at the company?
You will work in a specialist area that exactly fits with your study program. There, you’ll gain important experience and will be able to apply your newly acquired knowledge directly on the job.
What are my chances of obtaining a full-time position after completing the cooperative studies program?
Your chances are very good – currently you have a 100 percent chance of being hired. This year, we could offer each of our company students a job following his or her studies.
What is the selection process for admission to the program?
If we like what we see, we will invite you to attend our assessment day. This entails career-specific tests, group exercises and individual presentations. This day is rounded out by a personal interview with us.
Can I apply even though I have already started an apprenticeship or degree program?
You can apply any time.
Can I transfer academic credits obtained at other universities?
Unfortunately, we cannot accept credits that were obtained during a different course of study.
What else do I need to know about the cooperative studies program?
You can expect a high workload that must be completed within a set timeframe during the cooperative studies program. In contrast to conventional degree programs, there are no semester breaks and no semester extensions, etc.